Theta Epsilon Sigma chapter was organized under the auspices and vision of Past Western Region Syntaktes, Soror Dr. Gwenette Parker, on June 2, 1996, in the municipality of Culver City, California. Sorors who joined together in their quest to make Theta Epsilon Sigma a reality were charter members:
- Soror Keeshawn Andrew
- Soror Sasheen Artis
- Soror Renee Culpepper
- Soror Wendy Flenoury
- Soror Kesia Irvine
- Soror LaTonya Theus Nelson
- Soror Gwenette Parker
Theta Epsilon Sigma is responsible for the organization of three undergraduate chapters: Xi Rho-University of California Riverside...Omicron Mu-California State University Fullerton... Omicron Rho-California State University, Dominguez Hills. We also currently advise undergraduate chapter Theta Epsilon - University of Southern California and Tau Alpha - California State University- Los Angeles. In January 2003, Theta Epsilon Sigma started a Rhoer Club and, in 2005, started a Philo affiliate chapter.
Theta Epsilon Sigma is known for being the chapter that is moving and shaking in the name of Sigma. Our Goal is to increase public awareness of the Sorority's programs by establishing linkages between other community organizations, political leaders, government agencies, corporations, and local businesses.
Theta Epsilon Sigma is a part of the Western Region of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
2016-2018 Chapter Officers
Basileus - Raquel Paige
1st Anti-Basileus - Taryn McNamee
2nd Anti-Basileus (Theta Epsilon) - Taryn McNamee
3rd Anti-Basileus (Tau Alpha) - Cheyenne Berry
Anti-Grammateus - Shanesha Brooks
Grammateus - Jasmine Joy Singleton
Tamiochus - Adrienne Haynes
Epistoleus - Doris Golovachev
Parliamentarian - Taryn McNamee